The International Fragrant Rose Trial

Through the process of hybridization the rose fragrance had started to disappear, so we began the international Fragrant Rose Trials in 2005 to encourage appreciation of the beauty of fragrant roses, and to further develop the fragrant rose garden at Echigo Hillside Park.
Outstanding award-winning roses continue to be grown in the park.

The International Fragrant Rose Trials is held every year by inviting applications of new fragrant roses from rose breeders not only in Japan but all around the world. All the applied nursery plants are planted and brought up for two years under exactly the same condition in the snowy and cold region of Japan. Then, examination session is held twice every spring and autumn by the Judging Committee comprising of experts of roses and fragrances to decide the award winning varieties.

We predict that someday soon a world-famous fragrant rose will be discovered at Echigo Hillside Park.

Award-winning Entries

Guidelines for Applications

The purpose of the trials is to encourage the well-balanced development of rose breeding, in particular the breeding of roses suited to cold, snowy regions, which will thus add to the attraction of the rose garden in Echigo Hillside Park. Special emphasis is placed on fragrance – developing new fragrance, without neglecting our ancestors’ achievements, as an old Chinese adage goes.

Fragrant Rose Garden

The Rose Garden at Echigo Hillside Park is a feast of beautiful hues and shapes.However, the real allure of our garden lies in its intoxicating fragrance.
The garden is divided into seven main areas, the “Fragrance Area,” the “Colour Area,” and the “Rose Hall of Fame Area” which all largely feature modern roses, the “Area for Wild Japanese Rose” which features native Jaranese rose species, the “Ares for Old Species:Old Rose” which shows the genealogy of old roses, the “Rose and Flower Area” which incorporates antique-style modern roses, and finally “The International Fragrant Rose New Variety Contest Traial Ground.”
Please take your time to fully enjoy the charm and beauty of our rose garden.